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function outstr = GE_dumpImageHeader(img)


 outstr = GE_dumpImageHeader(img)

 Writes the image header to the string outstr

 Souheil J. Inati
 Dartmouth College
 May 2000


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function outstr = GE_dumpImageHeader(img)
0002 %
0003 % outstr = GE_dumpImageHeader(img)
0004 %
0005 % Writes the image header to the string outstr
0006 %
0007 % Souheil J. Inati
0008 % Dartmouth College
0009 % May 2000
0010 % souheil.inati@dartmouth.edu
0011 %
0013 outstr = sprintf('im_suid: %s\n',         char(img.im_suid));
0014 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_uniq: %d\n',         img.im_uniq));
0015 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_diskid: %s\n',       char(img.im_diskid)));
0016 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_exno: %d\n',         img.im_exno));
0017 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_seno: %d\n',         img.im_seno));
0018 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_no: %d\n',           img.im_no));
0019 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_datetime: %d\n',     img.im_datetime));
0020 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_actual_dt: %d\n',    img.im_actual_dt));
0021 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('sctime: %f\n',          img.sctime));
0022 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slthick: %f\n',         img.slthick));
0023 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('imatrix_X: %d\n',       img.imatrix_X));
0024 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('imatrix_Y: %d\n',       img.imatrix_Y));
0025 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dfov: %f\n',            img.dfov));
0026 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dfov_rect: %f\n',       img.dfov_rect));
0027 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dim_X: %f\n',           img.dim_X));
0028 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dim_Y: %f\n',           img.dim_Y));
0029 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('pixsize_X: %f\n',       img.pixsize_X));
0030 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('pixsize_Y: %f\n',       img.pixsize_Y));
0031 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('pdid: %s\n',            sprintf('%s',img.pdid)));
0032 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('contrastIV: %s\n',      cstring(img.contrastIV)));
0033 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('contrastOral: %s\n',    cstring(img.contrastOral)));
0034 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('contmode: %d\n',        img.contmode));
0035 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('serrx: %d\n',           img.serrx));
0036 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('imgrx: %d\n',           img.imgrx));
0037 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('screenformat: %d\n',    img.screenformat));
0038 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('plane: %d\n',           img.plane));
0039 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('scanspacing: %f\n',     img.scanspacing));
0040 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_compress: %d\n',     img.im_compress));
0041 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_scouttype: %d\n',    img.im_scouttype));
0042 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('loc_ras: %s\n',         char(img.loc_ras)));
0043 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('loc: %f\n',          img.loc));
0044 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('ctr_R: %f\n',        img.ctr_R));
0045 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('ctr_A: %f\n',        img.ctr_A));
0046 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('ctr_S: %f\n',        img.ctr_S));
0047 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('norm_R: %f\n',       img.norm_R));
0048 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('norm_A: %f\n',       img.norm_A));
0049 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('norm_S: %f\n',       img.norm_S));
0050 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('tlhc_R: %f\n',       img.tlhc_R));
0051 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('tlhc_A: %f\n',       img.tlhc_A));
0052 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('tlhc_S: %f\n',       img.tlhc_S));
0053 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('trhc_R: %f\n',       img.trhc_R));
0054 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('trhc_A: %f\n',       img.trhc_A));
0055 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('trhc_S: %f\n',       img.trhc_S));
0056 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('brhc_R: %f\n',       img.brhc_R));
0057 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('brhc_A: %f\n',       img.brhc_A));
0058 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('brhc_S: %f\n',       img.brhc_S));
0059 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('forimgrev: %s\n',    char(img.forimgrev)));
0060 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('tr: %d\n',           img.tr));
0061 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('ti: %d\n',           img.ti));
0062 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('te: %d\n',           img.te));
0063 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('te2: %d\n',          img.te2));
0064 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('numecho: %d\n',      img.numecho));
0065 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('echonum: %d\n',      img.echonum));
0066 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('tbldlta: %f\n',      img.tbldlta));
0067 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('nex: %f\n',          img.nex));
0068 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('contig: %d\n',       img.contig));
0069 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('hrtrate: %d\n',      img.hrtrate));
0070 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('tdel: %d\n',         img.tdel));
0071 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('saravg: %f\n',       img.saravg));
0072 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('sarpeak: %f\n',      img.sarpeak));
0073 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('monsar: %d\n',          img.monsar));
0074 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('trgwindow: %d\n',       img.trgwindow));
0075 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('reptime: %f\n',         img.reptime));
0076 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('imgpcyc: %d\n',         img.imgpcyc));
0077 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('xmtgain: %d\n',         img.xmtgain));
0078 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('rcvgain1: %d\n',        img.rcvgain1));
0079 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('rcvgain2: %d\n',        img.rcvgain2));
0080 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('mr_flip: %d\n',         img.mr_flip));
0081 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('mindat: %d\n',          img.mindat));
0082 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('cphase: %d\n',          img.cphase));
0083 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('swappf: %d\n',          img.swappf));
0084 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('pauseint: %d\n',        img.pauseint));
0085 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('pausetime: %f\n',       img.pausetime));
0086 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('obplane: %d\n',         img.obplane));
0087 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slocfov: %d\n',         img.slocfov));
0088 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('xmtfreq: %d\n',         img.xmtfreq));
0089 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('autoxmtfreq: %d\n',     img.autoxmtfreq));
0090 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('autoxmtgain: %d\n',     img.autoxmtgain));
0091 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('prescan_r1: %d\n',      img.prescan_r1));
0092 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('prescan_r2: %d\n',      img.prescan_r2));
0093 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user_bitmap: %d\n',     img.user_bitmap));
0094 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('cenfreq: %d\n',         img.cenfreq));
0095 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('imode: %d\n',           img.imode));
0096 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('iopt: %d\n',            img.iopt));
0097 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('pseq: %d\n',            img.pseq));
0098 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('pseqmode: %d\n',        img.pseqmode));
0099 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('psdname: %s\n',         cstring(img.psdname)));
0100 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('psd_datetime: %d\n',    img.psd_datetime));
0101 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('psd_iname: %s\n',       cstring(img.psd_iname)));
0102 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('ctyp: %d\n',            img.ctyp));
0103 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('cname: %s\n',         cstring(img.cname)));
0104 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('surfctyp: %d\n',      img.surfctyp));
0105 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('surfcext: %d\n',      img.surfcext));
0106 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('rawrunnum: %d\n',     img.rawrunnum));
0107 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('cal_fldstr: %d\n',    img.cal_fldstr));
0108 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('supp_tech: %d\n',     img.supp_tech));
0109 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('vbw: %f\n',           img.vbw));
0110 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slquant: %d\n',       img.slquant));
0111 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('gpre: %d\n',          img.gpre));
0112 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('intr_del: %d\n',      img.intr_del));
0113 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user0: %f\n',         img.user0));
0114 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user1: %f\n',         img.user1));
0115 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user2: %f\n',         img.user2));
0116 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user3: %f\n',         img.user3));
0117 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user4: %f\n',         img.user4));
0118 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user5: %f\n',         img.user5));
0119 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user6: %f\n',         img.user6));
0120 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user7: %f\n',         img.user7));
0121 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user8: %f\n',         img.user8));
0122 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user9: %f\n',         img.user9));
0123 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user10: %f\n',        img.user10));
0124 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user11: %f\n',        img.user11));
0125 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user12: %f\n',        img.user12));
0126 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user13: %f\n',        img.user13));
0127 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user14: %f\n',        img.user14));
0128 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user15: %f\n',        img.user15));
0129 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user16: %f\n',        img.user16));
0130 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user17: %f\n',        img.user17));
0131 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user18: %f\n',        img.user18));
0132 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user19: %f\n',        img.user19));
0133 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user20: %f\n',          img.user20));
0134 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user21: %f\n',          img.user21));
0135 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user22: %f\n',          img.user22));
0136 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user23: %f\n',          img.user23));
0137 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user24: %f\n',          img.user24));
0138 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_alloc_key: %s\n',    sprintf('%s',img.im_alloc_key)));
0139 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_lastmod: %d\n',      img.im_lastmod));
0140 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_verscre: %s\n',      char(img.im_verscre)));
0141 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_verscur: %s\n',      char(img.im_verscur)));
0142 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_pds_a: %d\n',        img.im_pds_a));
0143 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_pds_c: %d\n',        img.im_pds_c));
0144 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_pds_u: %d\n',        img.im_pds_u));
0145 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_checksum: %d\n',     img.im_checksum));
0146 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_archived: %d\n',     img.im_archived));
0147 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('im_complete: %d\n',     img.im_complete));
0148 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satbits: %d\n',         img.satbits));
0149 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('scic: %d\n',            img.scic));
0150 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satxloc1: %d\n',        img.satxloc1));
0151 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satxloc2: %d\n',        img.satxloc2));
0152 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satyloc1: %d\n',        img.satyloc1));
0153 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satyloc2: %d\n',        img.satyloc2));
0154 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satzloc1: %d\n',        img.satzloc1));
0155 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satzloc2: %d\n',        img.satzloc2));
0156 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satxthick: %d\n',       img.satxthick));
0157 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satythick: %d\n',       img.satythick));
0158 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('satzthick: %d\n',       img.satzthick));
0159 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('flax: %d\n',            img.flax));
0160 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('venc: %d\n',            img.venc));
0161 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('thk_disclmr: %d\n',     img.thk_disclmr));
0162 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('ps_flag: %d\n',         img.ps_flag));
0163 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('ps_status: %d\n',       img.ps_status));
0164 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('image_type: %d\n',      img.image_type));
0165 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('vas_collapse: %d\n',    img.vas_collapse));
0166 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user23n: %f\n',         img.user23n));
0167 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user24n: %f\n',         img.user24n));
0168 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('proj_alg: %d\n',        img.proj_alg));
0169 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('proj_name: %s\n',       cstring(img.proj_name)));
0170 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('x_axis_rot: %f\n',      img.x_axis_rot));
0171 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('y_axis_rot: %f\n',      img.y_axis_rot));
0172 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('z_axis_rot: %f\n',      img.z_axis_rot));
0173 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('thresh_min1: %d\n',     img.thresh_min1));
0174 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('thresh_max1: %d\n',     img.thresh_max1));
0175 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('thresh_min2: %d\n',     img.thresh_min2));
0176 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('thresh_max2: %d\n',     img.thresh_max2));
0177 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('echo_trn_len: %d\n',    img.echo_trn_len));
0178 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('frac_echo: %d\n',       img.frac_echo));
0179 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('prep_pulse: %d\n',      img.prep_pulse));
0180 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('cphasenum: %d\n',       img.cphasenum));
0181 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('var_echo: %d\n',        img.var_echo));
0182 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('ref_img: %s\n',         char(img.ref_img)));
0183 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('sum_img: %s\n',         char(img.sum_img)));
0184 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('img_window: %d\n',      img.img_window));
0185 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('img_level: %d\n',       img.img_level));
0186 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_1: %d\n',      img.slop_int_1));
0187 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_2: %d\n',      img.slop_int_2));
0188 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_3: %d\n',      img.slop_int_3));
0189 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_4: %d\n',      img.slop_int_4));
0190 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_5: %d\n',      img.slop_int_5));
0191 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_float_1: %f\n',    img.slop_float_1));
0192 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_float_2: %f\n',    img.slop_float_2));
0193 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_float_3: %f\n',    img.slop_float_3));
0194 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_float_4: %f\n',    img.slop_float_4));
0195 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_float_5: %f\n',    img.slop_float_5));
0196 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_str_1: %s\n',      cstring(img.slop_str_1)));
0197 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_str_2: %s\n',      cstring(img.slop_str_2)));
0198 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('scanactno: %d\n',       img.scanactno));
0199 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('vasflags: %d\n',        img.vasflags));
0200 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('vencscale: %f\n',       img.vencscale));
0201 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('integrity: %d\n',       img.integrity));
0202 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('fphase: %d\n',          img.fphase));
0203 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('freq_dir: %d\n',        img.freq_dir));
0204 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('vas_mode: %d\n',        img.vas_mode));
0205 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('image_uid: %s\n',       sprintf('%s',img.image_uid)));
0206 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('sop_uid: %s\n',         sprintf('%s',img.sop_uid)));
0207 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dont_use_1: %d\n',      img.dont_use_1));
0208 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dont_use_2: %d\n',      img.dont_use_2));
0209 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dont_use_3: %d\n',      img.dont_use_3));
0210 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('pscopts: %d\n',         img.pscopts));
0211 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('asoffsetx: %d\n',       img.asoffsetx));
0212 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('asoffsety: %d\n',       img.asoffsety));
0213 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('asoffsetz: %d\n',           img.asoffsetz));
0214 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('unoriginal: %d\n',          img.unoriginal));
0215 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('interleaves: %d\n',         img.interleaves));
0216 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('effechospace: %d\n',        img.effechospace));
0217 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('viewsperseg: %d\n',         img.viewsperseg));
0218 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('rbpm: %d\n',                img.rbpm));
0219 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('rtpoint: %d\n',             img.rtpoint));
0220 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('rcvrtype: %d\n',            img.rcvrtype));
0221 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dbdt: %f\n',                img.dbdt));
0222 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('dbdtper: %f\n',             img.dbdtper));
0223 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('estdbdtper: %f\n',          img.estdbdtper));
0224 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('estdbdtts: %f\n',           img.estdbdtts));
0225 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('saravghead: %f\n',          img.saravghead));
0226 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('neg_scanspacing: %f\n',     img.neg_scanspacing));
0227 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('offsetfreq: %d\n',          img.offsetfreq));
0228 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user_usage_tag: %d\n',      img.user_usage_tag));
0229 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user_fill_mapMSW: %d\n',    img.user_fill_mapMSW));
0230 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user_fill_mapLSW: %d\n',    img.user_fill_mapLSW));
0231 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user25: %f\n',              img.user25));
0232 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user26: %f\n',              img.user26));
0233 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user27: %f\n',              img.user27));
0234 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user28: %f\n',              img.user28));
0235 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user29: %f\n',              img.user29));
0236 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user30: %f\n',              img.user30));
0237 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user31: %f\n',              img.user31));
0238 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user32: %f\n',              img.user32));
0239 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user33: %f\n',              img.user33));
0240 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user34: %f\n',              img.user34));
0241 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user35: %f\n',              img.user35));
0242 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user36: %f\n',              img.user36));
0243 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user37: %f\n',              img.user37));
0244 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user38: %f\n',              img.user38));
0245 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user39: %f\n',              img.user39));
0246 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user40: %f\n',              img.user40));
0247 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user41: %f\n',              img.user41));
0248 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user42: %f\n',              img.user42));
0249 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user43: %f\n',              img.user43));
0250 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user44: %f\n',              img.user44));
0251 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user45: %f\n',              img.user45));
0252 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user46: %f\n',              img.user46));
0253 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user47: %f\n',              img.user47));
0254 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('user48: %f\n',              img.user48));
0255 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_6: %d\n',          img.slop_int_6));
0256 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_7: %d\n',          img.slop_int_7));
0257 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_8: %d\n',          img.slop_int_8));
0258 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('slop_int_9: %d\n',          img.slop_int_9));
0259 outstr  = strcat(outstr, sprintf('mr_padding: %s\n',          cstring(img.mr_padding)));
0261 return

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