Home > database > ensemble_add_data_struct_row.m



adds a given row of data to a given ensemble data struct


function indata = ensemble_add_data_struct_row(indata,varargin)


 adds a given row of data to a given ensemble data struct
   indata - ensemble data struct
   varargin - key/value pairs representing a row of data
       'key' - always a string matching a column name in indata.vars
       'value' - could be any type, is added as the value of 'key'
 NOTE: all values are appended to the end of each existing row
 NOTE: fills out short columns with empty values of the appropriate type
 FIXME: allow addition of multiple rows? pass in vectors instead of scalar
 or single-item types? how would we differentiate vectors for rows and
 vectors that should be an individual indexed item in indata? any varargin
 switch or keyword would have to be something that would never ever ever
 be a variable name in an ensemble data struct...
 FB 2009.03.09
 PJ 2010.11.08 - fixed handling of single items in that were not cell arrays and
                 which generated an excess number of rows by virtue of
                 their length.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function indata = ensemble_add_data_struct_row(indata,varargin)
0003 % adds a given row of data to a given ensemble data struct
0004 %
0006 %   indata - ensemble data struct
0007 %   varargin - key/value pairs representing a row of data
0008 %       'key' - always a string matching a column name in indata.vars
0009 %       'value' - could be any type, is added as the value of 'key'
0010 %
0011 % NOTE: all values are appended to the end of each existing row
0012 % NOTE: fills out short columns with empty values of the appropriate type
0013 %
0014 % FIXME: allow addition of multiple rows? pass in vectors instead of scalar
0015 % or single-item types? how would we differentiate vectors for rows and
0016 % vectors that should be an individual indexed item in indata? any varargin
0017 % switch or keyword would have to be something that would never ever ever
0018 % be a variable name in an ensemble data struct...
0019 %
0020 % FB 2009.03.09
0021 % PJ 2010.11.08 - fixed handling of single items in that were not cell arrays and
0022 %                 which generated an excess number of rows by virtue of
0023 %                 their length.
0025 if ~is_ensemble_datastruct(indata)
0026   error('indata is not a valid ensemble data structure\n');
0027 end
0029 % get var names
0030 cols = set_var_col_const(indata.vars);
0032 % add row
0033 for iv = 1:2:nargin-1
0034   fld = varargin{iv};
0035   if isfield(cols,fld)
0036 %     if iscell(indata.data{cols.(fld)})
0037 %       indata.data{cols.(fld)}{end+1} = varargin{iv+1};
0038 %     else
0039 %       inclass = class(indata.data{cols.(fld)});
0040 %       vclass  = class(varargin{iv+1});
0041 %       if isempty(strmatch(inclass,vclass))
0042 %         error(['data struct column type (%s) and value type (%s) for '...
0043 %             '%s key do not match'],inclass,vclass,fld);
0044 %       else
0045         indata.data{cols.(fld)} = [indata.data{cols.(fld)}; varargin{iv+1}];
0046 %         indata.data{cols.(fld)}(end+1) = varargin{iv+1};
0047 %         indata.data{cols.(fld)} = [
0048 %       end
0049 %     end
0050   end % if isfield(cols,
0051 end % for ivar =
0053 % find maximum column length
0054 %maxn = max(cellfun(@length,indata.data));
0055 dims = cellfun(@size,indata.data,'UniformOutput',false);
0056 dims = cat(1,dims{:});
0057 maxn = max(dims(:,1));
0059 % fill out short columns
0060 for id = 1:length(indata.data)
0061   while length(indata.data{id}) < maxn
0062     if iscell(indata.data{id})
0063       if isempty(indata.data{id})
0064         indata.data{id} = cell(maxn,1);
0065       else
0066         indata.data{id} = [indata.data{id}; ...
0067             cell(maxn-length(indata.data{id}),1)];
0068       end
0069     else
0070       if isempty(indata.data{id})
0071         indata.data{id} = nan(maxn,1);
0072       else
0073         indata.data{id} = [indata.data{id}; ...
0074             nan(maxn-length(indata.data{id}),1)];
0075       end
0076     end
0077   end
0078 end

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