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Displays written responses associated text or varchar fields.


function an_st = ensemble_report_written(data_st,params)


 Displays written responses associated text or varchar fields.

 outdata = ensemble_report_written(data_st,params);

 Displays written responses associated text or varchar fields.  Currently, the
 reporting is rather primitive, but should be enhanced to support various
 tabular formats.  Table format could be specified by providing a vector of
 compqids to appear in the columns.  A structure array could actually provide
 qid info as well as formatting info, e.g. column width, etc.

 Note: Currently, the script will not treat the same question appearing on
 different forms as a different instance of the question. If you don't want
 answers to the same question on different forms combined, you must filter the
 data to only process forms with unique question IDs.  This behavior may
 change in future versions.

 params.ensemble.conn_id - mysql connection to use
 params.filt - any filtering criteria that are to be applied
 params.report - structure containing directives regarding the output.
                 See ensemble_init_fid()
 params.report.print - generate output
 params.report.write2file - write output to a file (otherwise stdout)
 params.report.fname - name of file to write responses to
 params.report.filemode - defaults to 'wt'
 params.report.verbose - defaults to 1


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function an_st = ensemble_report_written(data_st,params)
0002 % Displays written responses associated text or varchar fields.
0003 %
0004 % outdata = ensemble_report_written(data_st,params);
0005 %
0006 % Displays written responses associated text or varchar fields.  Currently, the
0007 % reporting is rather primitive, but should be enhanced to support various
0008 % tabular formats.  Table format could be specified by providing a vector of
0009 % compqids to appear in the columns.  A structure array could actually provide
0010 % qid info as well as formatting info, e.g. column width, etc.
0011 %
0012 % Note: Currently, the script will not treat the same question appearing on
0013 % different forms as a different instance of the question. If you don't want
0014 % answers to the same question on different forms combined, you must filter the
0015 % data to only process forms with unique question IDs.  This behavior may
0016 % change in future versions.
0017 %
0018 % params.ensemble.conn_id - mysql connection to use
0019 % params.filt - any filtering criteria that are to be applied
0020 % params.report - structure containing directives regarding the output.
0021 %                 See ensemble_init_fid()
0022 % params.report.print - generate output
0023 % params.report.write2file - write output to a file (otherwise stdout)
0024 % params.report.fname - name of file to write responses to
0025 % params.report.filemode - defaults to 'wt'
0026 % params.report.verbose - defaults to 1
0028 % 04/29/07 Petr Janata - adapted from ensemble_enum_stats
0029 % 07/17/08 PJ - fixed call to ensemble_init_fid to conform to new param handling
0030 % 23Nov2011 PJ - improved handling of conn_id
0032 try
0033     if isfield(params, 'mysql')
0034         conn_id = params.mysql.conn_id;
0035     elseif isfield(params, 'ensemble')
0036         conn_id = params.ensemble.conn_id;
0037     end
0038 catch ME
0039     conn_id = [];
0040 end
0042 an_st = ensemble_init_data_struct;
0043 an_st.type = 'enum_written_by_compqid'; 
0045 % Make sure we have a compqid variable
0046 data_st = ensemble_check_compqid(data_st);
0047 if isempty(data_st)
0048   return
0049 end
0051 % Set the column constants
0052 incol = set_var_col_const(data_st.vars);
0054 % Apply any specified filtering to the input data
0055 if isfield(params,'filt')
0056   fprintf('Applying filtering criteria\n')
0057   data_st = ensemble_filter(data_st, params.filt);
0058 end
0060 %
0061 % Gather metadata on the questions
0062 %
0064 % Get a list of unique composite question IDs
0065 fprintf('Getting list of unique composite question IDs\n')
0066 %qids = fix(unique(data_st.data{incol.compqid}));
0067 qids = unique(fix(data_st.data{incol.compqid}));
0069 fprintf('Extracting question metadata\n');
0070 qinfo = mysql_extract_metadata('table','question', ...
0071     'question_id',qids, ...
0072     'conn_id', conn_id);
0074 % Figure out which of the questions in the qinfo structure are varchar or text and remove
0075 % those that are not
0076 fprintf('Removing non-text questions\n');
0077 qinfo_char_mask = ismember({qinfo.type},{'varchar','text'});
0078 if sum(~qinfo_char_mask)
0079   qinfo(~qinfo_char_mask) = [];
0080 end
0082 % Create masks for all of the response data
0083 char_compqids = [qinfo.compqid];
0085 % Filter the data again
0086 filt.include.any.compqid = char_compqids;
0087 data_st = ensemble_filter(data_st,filt);
0089 % Precalculate the subject masks
0090 %[sub_mask_mtx, subids] = make_mask_mtx(data_st.data{incol.subject_id});
0091 %nsub = length(subids);
0093 %
0094 % Check to see if we are writing all responses to a single file and open a file
0095 % if necessary
0096 %
0097 if ~isfield(params,'report')
0098   params.report = struct();
0099 end
0100 composite_fid = ensemble_init_fid(params.report);
0102 % See if we are only writing responses to the file and not question or subject
0103 % information
0104 try response_only = params.report.response_only; catch response_only = false; end
0106 %
0107 % Loop over all of the unique question/subquestion combinations or compqids
0108 %
0109 nqid = length(qinfo);
0110 for iqid = 1:nqid
0111   curr_id = qinfo(iqid).compqid;
0112   an_st.vars{iqid} = sprintf('compqid %s',num2str(curr_id));
0114   % Copy the question info over to the display parameter structure in case we
0115   % are going to display some of the data
0116   params.display.qinfo = qinfo(iqid);
0118   % Filter the data based on the current ID
0119   clear qfilt
0120   qfilt.include.all.compqid = curr_id;
0121   curr_st = ensemble_filter(data_st,qfilt);
0122   col = set_var_col_const(curr_st.vars);
0124   if ~response_only
0125     fprintf(composite_fid,'\n\nCompqid: %.2f\nQUESTION: %s\nSUBQUESTION: %s\n', ...
0126       curr_id, qinfo(iqid).question_text, qinfo(iqid).heading);
0127   end
0129   % Loop over the rows in the data and write out each response to the file
0130   nrows = length(curr_st.data{col.subject_id});
0131   for irow = 1:nrows
0132     if ~response_only
0133       subject_str = sprintf('%s (%d): ', ...
0134         curr_st.data{col.subject_id}{irow}, ...
0135         curr_st.data{col.session_id}(irow));
0136     else
0137       subject_str = '';
0138     end
0139     fprintf(composite_fid,'\n%s%s\n', subject_str, curr_st.data{col.response_text}{irow});
0140   end
0141 end % for iqid
0143 if composite_fid > 1
0144   fclose(composite_fid);
0145 end
0147 an_st.meta.params = params;
0149 end % function ensemble_report_written

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