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Reshapes a data struct by making new variables out of the unique levels


function out_st = ensemble_reshape_data(data_st,params)


 Reshapes a data struct by making new variables out of the unique levels
 in xfmVar.

 out_st = ensemble_reshape_data(data_st,params);
   data_st - an Ensemble data struct
   params - see below

 In order for this tranformation to work it requires 3 sets of variables,
 specified in params. The following fields must be present in

 xfmVar - This is the name of the variable whose unqiue values will form
          new variables in the out_st Ensemble data struct. This will
          typically be a 'compqid_str' variable (created by

 valueVars - this is the variable whose values will populate the new
          variables. This would typically be 'response_enum' or
          'response_text'. If multiple values are specified, both are
          checked. If a value is contained in both of them, an error is
          thrown. If a value is contained in only 1, it is copied. If
          neither contains a value, a NaN or empty string is placed,
          depending on type.

 keyVars - this is the set of variables, which in association with xfmVar,
          will identify single (unique) rows in the data struct. If unique
          rows are not found, and error will be generated

 var_name_map - If present, this structure is used to map levels of xfmVar 
          to names that will be used as variable names in the output
 copyVars - additional variables from the data_st that will be copied to
          the output structure

 See also: ensemble_data_by_question(), ensemble_export_respnstim(), ensemble_vals2vars()

 The difference between ensemble_reshape_data_st and ensemble_vals2vars is
 that the latter will not handle multi-variable keys.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function out_st = ensemble_reshape_data(data_st,params)
0002 % Reshapes a data struct by making new variables out of the unique levels
0003 % in xfmVar.
0004 %
0005 % out_st = ensemble_reshape_data(data_st,params);
0006 %
0007 % USAGE:
0008 %   data_st - an Ensemble data struct
0009 %   params - see below
0010 %
0011 % In order for this tranformation to work it requires 3 sets of variables,
0012 % specified in params. The following fields must be present in
0013 % params.ensemble_reshape_data_st
0014 %
0015 % REQUIRED:
0016 % xfmVar - This is the name of the variable whose unqiue values will form
0017 %          new variables in the out_st Ensemble data struct. This will
0018 %          typically be a 'compqid_str' variable (created by
0019 %          ensemble_attach_compqid_str)
0020 %
0021 % valueVars - this is the variable whose values will populate the new
0022 %          variables. This would typically be 'response_enum' or
0023 %          'response_text'. If multiple values are specified, both are
0024 %          checked. If a value is contained in both of them, an error is
0025 %          thrown. If a value is contained in only 1, it is copied. If
0026 %          neither contains a value, a NaN or empty string is placed,
0027 %          depending on type.
0028 %
0029 % keyVars - this is the set of variables, which in association with xfmVar,
0030 %          will identify single (unique) rows in the data struct. If unique
0031 %          rows are not found, and error will be generated
0032 %
0033 % OPTIONAL:
0034 % var_name_map - If present, this structure is used to map levels of xfmVar
0035 %          to names that will be used as variable names in the output
0036 %          data_st
0037 % copyVars - additional variables from the data_st that will be copied to
0038 %          the output structure
0039 %
0040 % See also: ensemble_data_by_question(), ensemble_export_respnstim(), ensemble_vals2vars()
0041 %
0042 % The difference between ensemble_reshape_data_st and ensemble_vals2vars is
0043 % that the latter will not handle multi-variable keys.
0045 % 04Sep2014 Petr Janata
0047 % Turn off categorical class warnings
0048 warning('off','stats:categorical:subsasgn:NewLevelsAdded')
0050 %% Check input parameters
0051 if nargin < 2
0052   error('%s: data_st and params inputs required', mfilename)
0053 end
0055 if ~isfield(params,mfilename)
0056   error('params.%s structure is required',mfilename)
0057 end
0059 requiredVars = {'xfmVar','valueVars','keyVars'};
0060 missingMask = ~ismember(requiredVars,fieldnames(params.(mfilename)));
0061 if any(missingMask)
0062   error('Required fields missing from params.%s: %s', mfilename, cell2str(requiredVars(missingMask),','))
0063 end
0065 if isfield(params,'verbose')
0066   verbose = params.verbose;
0067 else
0068   verbose = 1;
0069 end
0071 % Make variable lists a bit more accessible
0072 xfmVar = params.(mfilename).xfmVar;
0074 keyVars = [params.(mfilename).keyVars xfmVar];
0075 nkeys = length(keyVars);
0077 valueVars = params.(mfilename).valueVars;
0079 if isfield(params.(mfilename),'copyVars')
0080   copyVars = params.(mfilename).copyVars;
0081 else
0082   copyVars = {};
0083 end
0084 ncopy = length(copyVars);
0086 % Get column indexing for input data
0087 cols = set_var_col_const(data_st.vars);
0089 %% Perform any desired filtering
0090 if isfield(params,'filt')
0091   data_st = ensemble_filter(data_st, params.filt);
0092 end
0094 %% Extract the key variables and xfmVar and check for uniqueness
0095 nrows = size(data_st.data{cols.(keyVars{1})},1);
0097 % Convert each variable to a categorical type
0098 for ikey = 1:nkeys
0099   keymtx(:,ikey) = nominal(data_st.data{cols.(keyVars{ikey})});
0100 end
0102 % Check for uniqueness
0103 nonUniqueMask = check_unique_rows(keymtx, verbose);
0105 if any(nonUniqueMask)
0106   error('Key variables do not return unique values')
0107 end
0109 %% Get the set of output keys (all keys but xfmVar key)
0110 outkeymtx = unique(keymtx(:,1:end-1),'rows');
0111 noutRows = size(outkeymtx,1);
0113 %% Extract a matrix with all possible values
0114 valmtx = data_st.data(ismember(data_st.vars,valueVars));
0115 nvals = length(valmtx);
0117 % Get types for each of the value variables
0118 valtype = cell(1,nvals);
0119 for ival = 1:nvals
0120   valtype{ival} = class(valmtx{ival});
0121 end
0123 %% Initialize the output structure
0124 out_st = ensemble_init_data_struct;
0126 % Add the variables we want to copy to the list and initialize their types
0127 if ncopy
0128   out_st.vars = copyVars;
0129   ocols = set_var_col_const(out_st.vars);
0130   for icopy = 1:ncopy
0131     currVar = copyVars{icopy};
0132     currType = class(data_st.data{cols.(currVar)});
0133     switch currType
0134       case {'numeric','double'}
0135         out_st.data{ocols.(currVar)} = nan(noutRows,1);
0136       case 'logical'
0137         out_st.data{ocols.(currVar)} = false(noutRows,1);
0138       case 'cell'
0139         out_st.data{ocols.(currVar)} = cell(noutRows,1);
0140       otherwise
0141         error('No initialization for type: %s', currType)
0142     end
0143   end
0144 end
0146 %% Create new variables in output structure
0147 [levelMaskMtx, newVars] = make_mask_mtx(data_st.data{cols.(xfmVar)});
0148 numNew = length(newVars);
0149 newSrc = cell(1,numNew);
0151 for inew = 1:numNew
0152   currLevel = newVars{inew};
0154   % Find rows in the input data corresponding to this variable
0155   levelMask = levelMaskMtx(:,strcmp(newVars,currLevel));
0157   % See if we want to remap its name
0158   if isfield(params.(mfilename).var_name_map,currLevel)
0159     varName = params.(mfilename).var_name_map.(currLevel);
0160   else
0161     varName = currLevel;
0162   end
0164   % Place the name in the output structure if necesary
0165   out_st.vars{end+1} = varName;
0166   ocols = set_var_col_const(out_st.vars);
0168   % Check which of the value variables we have data in for this level
0169   haveData = false(1,nvals);
0170   for ival = 1:nvals
0171     currData = data_st.data{cols.(valueVars{ival})}(levelMask);
0172     switch valtype{ival}
0173       case {'numeric','double','logical'}
0174         haveData(ival) = any(currData);
0175       case 'cell'
0176         haveData(ival) = any(~cellfun('isempty', currData));
0177     end
0178   end
0180   if ~any(haveData)
0181     error('No data available in any of the value variables')
0182   end
0184   if sum(haveData) > 1
0185     error('More than one value variable has data for level (%s): %s', ...
0186       currLevel, cell2str(valueVars(haveData),','))
0187   end
0189   valVar = valueVars{haveData};
0190   currType = valtype{haveData};
0191   newSrc{inew} = valVar;
0193   % Initialize the output variable
0194   switch currType
0195     case {'numeric','double'}
0196       out_st.data{ocols.(varName)} = nan(noutRows,1);
0197     case 'logical'
0198       out_st.data{ocols.(varName)} = false(noutRows,1);
0199     case 'cell'
0200       out_st.data{ocols.(varName)} = cell(noutRows,1);
0201     otherwise
0202       error('No initialization for type: %s', currType)
0203   end
0204 end % new variable initialization
0207 %% Copy data to the new variable
0209 % Loop over values in the key matrix
0210 for irow = 1:noutRows
0211   currKey = outkeymtx(irow,:);
0212   outkeyMask = ismember(keymtx(:,1:end-1),currKey,'rows');
0214   for inew = 1:numNew
0215     currLevel = newVars{inew};
0217     % See if we want to remap its name
0218     if isfield(params.(mfilename).var_name_map,currLevel)
0219       varName = params.(mfilename).var_name_map.(currLevel);
0220     else
0221       varName = currLevel;
0222     end
0224     % Find rows corresponding to this variable
0225     levelMask = levelMaskMtx(:,strcmp(newVars,currLevel));
0227     % Get the composite mask
0228     compMask = outkeyMask & levelMask;
0230     % Skip row if not relevant
0231     if ~any(compMask)
0232       continue
0233     end
0235     % Copy the value variable
0236     out_st.data{ocols.(varName)}(irow) = data_st.data{cols.(newSrc{inew})}(compMask);
0238  end % for inew
0240  % Now copy the other variables we want to carryover
0241  for icopy = 1:ncopy
0242    tmp = data_st.data{cols.(copyVars{icopy})}(outkeyMask);
0243    if ~iscell(tmp) && any(isnan(tmp))
0244      continue
0245    end
0247    outval = unique(tmp);
0248    if numel(outval) > 1
0249      error('Too many (%d) values found for variable we want to copy (%s)', numel(outval), copyVars{icopy})
0250    else
0251      out_st.data{ocols.(copyVars{icopy})}(irow) = outval;
0252    end
0253  end % for icopy
0256 end % for irow
0259 end % function

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