Home > eeg > egis > scripts > animate_ns_data.m



status = animate_ns_data(seconds,reference,rawfname,plot_res,Max_microv);


function status = animate_ns_data(seconds,reference,rawfname,plot_res,Max_microv);


status = animate_ns_data(seconds,reference,rawfname,plot_res,Max_microv);

seconds = seconds to animate in NSFragger file
reference = reference to use in animating the data (optional)
    'average', 'avgmast', 'perimeter', 'vertex', or a channel list
    'laplacian' = surface Laplacian estimate
    defaalts to 'average'
rawfname = filename (optional)
Max_microv = maximum microvolts (optional)
plot_res = size of output plots


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function status = animate_ns_data(seconds,reference,rawfname,plot_res,Max_microv);
0002 %status = animate_ns_data(seconds,reference,rawfname,plot_res,Max_microv);
0003 %
0004 %seconds = seconds to animate in NSFragger file
0005 %reference = reference to use in animating the data (optional)
0006 %    'average', 'avgmast', 'perimeter', 'vertex', or a channel list
0007 %    'laplacian' = surface Laplacian estimate
0008 %    defaalts to 'average'
0009 %rawfname = filename (optional)
0010 %Max_microv = maximum microvolts (optional)
0011 %plot_res = size of output plots
0012 if nargin < 1
0013     error('seconds not specified')
0014 end
0016 if nargin < 3
0017     if nargin < 2
0018     reference = 'average';
0019     [fid, rawfname] = get_fid('rb');
0020     fclose(fid);
0021     Max_microv = 100;
0022     plot_res = 40;
0023     else
0024     [fid, rawfname] = get_fid('rb')
0025     fclose(fid);
0026     Max_microv = 100;
0027     plot_res = 40;
0028     end;
0029 end
0030 if nargin < 4
0031     plot_res = 40;
0032     Max_microv = 100;
0033 end
0034 if nargin < 5
0035     plot_res = 40;
0036 end;
0037 if rawfname == []
0038     [fid, rawfname] = get_fid('rb')
0039     fclose(fid);
0040 end;
0041 if reference == []
0042     reference = 'average';
0043 end;
0044 if Max_microv == []
0045     Max_microv = 100;
0046 end;
0047 if plot_res == []
0048     plot_res = 40;
0049 end;
0051 [ref_trialdata, bad_chan] = grab_ns_data(seconds,reference,Max_microv,rawfname);
0053 [xelec,yelec,zelec] = electrodes(size(ref_trialdata,2));
0054 good_chan_mask = ones(1,size(ref_trialdata,2));
0055 ruu = sqrt(xelec(1).^2+yelec(1).^2+zelec(1).^2);
0056 [xs,ys,zs] = polgrid(plot_res,ruu);
0057 if bad_chan ~= []    
0058 good_chan_mask(1,bad_chan) = zeros(1,size(bad_chan,2));
0059 end;
0060 good_chan = find(good_chan_mask(1,:));
0061 x = zeros(1,size(good_chan,2));
0062 y = zeros(1,size(good_chan,2));
0063 z = zeros(1,size(good_chan,2));
0064 x = xelec(good_chan);
0065 y = yelec(good_chan);
0066 z = zelec(good_chan);
0067 welec = 1;
0068 icount = 1;
0069 [k,kinv,a,ainv,e] = k_and_e(welec,x,y,z);
0070 for i = 1:size(ref_trialdata,1)
0071            w = ref_trialdata(i,:);
0072         v = zeros(1,size(good_chan,2));
0073         v = w(good_chan);
0074         [p,q,error_check]= mateqs(welec,x,y,z,v,k,kinv,a,ainv,e);
0075         image_3d= interp_3d(welec,x,y,z,xs,ys,zs,p,q);    
0076         if ~strcmp(reference,'laplacian')
0077             imagemat= mask(xs,ys,zs,image_3d,120); 
0078         else
0079             imagemat = mask(xs,ys,zs,image_3d,108);
0080         end;
0081         if i > 9
0082          outfname = [rawfname '.img_s' int2str(i) ];
0083         else
0084         outfname = [rawfname '.img_s0' int2str(i) ];
0085         end;
0086             outfid = fopen(outfname,'wb');
0087            num_written = fwrite(outfid,imagemat','float');
0088         fclose(outfid);
0089 end;

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