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[chpair_coh] =coherence_scatter_2cond(freqs,obs,array,coh_crit,...


function [chpair_coh] =coherence_scatter_2cond(freqs,obs,array,coh_crit,coherencefname);


 [chpair_coh] =coherence_scatter_2cond(freqs,obs,array,coh_crit,...
freqs = frequencies to plot, e.g. [3 30] limits the plot at 3 and 30 Hz  
obs = observations in the power file to plot (defaults to all)
array = either an array name,e.g., 'all','hemisphere','quadrant','frontback',
    or 'oned' or a list of channels
 Restrictions nobs <= 2. If nobs == 1 and multiple frequencies 
 are listed then freqs < = 2. If nobs > 1 obs go on same plot one for
 each freq.  if nobs == 1 all the freqs go on the same plot
 coh_crit = critical value for coherence change (** will default to 95%
    confidence intervals but not implemented yet)
coherencefname = coherencefilename (can be gui by skipping this param)

 chpair_coh = differnce data (see Manual for interpretation)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [chpair_coh] =coherence_scatter_2cond(freqs,obs,array,coh_crit,coherencefname);
0002 % [chpair_coh] =coherence_scatter_2cond(freqs,obs,array,coh_crit,...
0003 % coherencefname);
0004 %freqs = frequencies to plot, e.g. [3 30] limits the plot at 3 and 30 Hz
0005 %obs = observations in the power file to plot (defaults to all)
0006 %array = either an array name,e.g., 'all','hemisphere','quadrant','frontback',
0007 %    or 'oned' or a list of channels
0008 % Restrictions nobs <= 2. If nobs == 1 and multiple frequencies
0009 % are listed then freqs < = 2. If nobs > 1 obs go on same plot one for
0010 % each freq.  if nobs == 1 all the freqs go on the same plot
0011 % coh_crit = critical value for coherence change (** will default to 95%
0012 %    confidence intervals but not implemented yet)
0013 %coherencefname = coherencefilename (can be gui by skipping this param)
0014 %
0015 % chpair_coh = differnce data (see Manual for interpretation)
0016 %
0017 if nargin < 5
0018     [fid] = get_fid('rb');
0019 else
0020     fid = fopen(coherencefname,'rb');
0021 end;
0022 version = fread(fid,1,'int16');
0023 if version ~= -2
0024     error('this is not a coherence file');
0025 end;
0026  [nfiles,obs_labels,Epoch,Window_Length,NEpoch,Nbad_chan,bad_chan,ref_flag,reference,NChan,NFreq] = rd_anal_hdr(fid);
0027 if nargin == 0
0028     freqs = [0:40];
0029     obs = [1:nfiles];
0030     array = 'all';
0031     coh_crit = 0.1;
0032 end;
0033 if nargin == 1
0034     obs = [1:nfiles];
0035     array = 'all';
0036     coh_crit = 0.1;
0037 end;        
0038 if nargin == 2
0039     array = 'all';
0040     coh_crit = 0.1;
0041 end;    
0042 if nargin == 3
0043     coh_crit = 0.1;
0044 end;
0045 if isempty(coh_crit)
0046     coh_crit = 0.1;
0047 end
0048 if isempty(array)
0049     array = 'all';
0050 end
0051 if isempty(obs)
0052     obs = [1:nfiles];
0053 end;
0054 if isempty(freqs)
0055     freqs = [0:40];
0056 end;
0057 if size(obs,2) > 2
0058     fclose('all')
0059     error('too many observations > 3 to be plotted in a single plot')
0060 end;
0061 if size(obs,2) == 1
0062     if size(freqs,2) > 2 
0063         error('too many frequencies for a single plot')
0064     end;
0065 end;
0066 lines = 'color';
0067 ch_pair_indices;
0068 if strcmp(lines,'black')
0069 line_type = ['k- ';'k--';'k-.'];
0070 scat_type = ['ko';'k.';'ko'];
0071 else    
0072 line_type = ['k-';'r-';'b-'];
0073 scat_type = ['ko';'r.';'bo'];
0074 end;
0075 coherencemax = 1;
0076 iline = 1;
0077 [xelec,yelec,zelec] = electrodes(129);
0078 twod_dist = twod_pos(xelec,yelec,zelec,9.2);
0079 coherence_array = real(get_eeg_coherence(fid,freqs,obs,nfiles,NChan,NFreq,Epoch));
0080 [dist,bcohpotential,bcohlaplacian] = baseline_coherence(0.2,80,8,8.2,8.7,9.2,7.8);
0081 if isstr(array)
0082     [arrayg,gnames] = arrays(array,[]);
0083 else
0084     arrayg = array;
0085 end
0086 if size(obs,2) > 1
0087     for g = 1:size(arrayg,1)
0088             for i= 1:size(freqs,2)
0089                 figure
0090                 hold on
0091                 for io = 1:size(obs,2)
0092                     if ~(ref_flag(obs(io)) == 5|ref_flag(obs(io)) == 7)
0093                         hold on,bar(dist,bcohpotential,'w-');
0094                     elseif ref_flag(obs(io)) == 5 
0095                         hold on,bar(dist,bcohlaplacian,'w-');
0096                     end;
0097                 end
0098                 iline = 1;
0100                 for j = 1:size(obs,2)
0102                     if isstr(array)
0103                         [arrayh,hnames] = arrays(array,bad_chan(obs(j),find(bad_chan(obs(j),:))));
0104                     else
0105                         arrayh = array;
0106                     end
0107                 pairels = arrayh(g,find(arrayh(g,:)));
0108                 npairs = size(pairels,2)*(size(pairels,2)+1)/2;
0109                 pairs = zeros(1,npairs);
0110                 ipairs = 1;
0111                 for ip = 1:size(pairels,2)
0112                     for jp=ip:size(pairels,2)
0113                         pairs(ipairs) = chpair(pairels(ip),pairels(jp));
0114                         ipairs = ipairs + 1;
0115                     end;
0116                 end;
0117                 pairnames = hnames(g,:);
0118 %                if j == 1
0119 %                hold on, plot(real(twod_dist(pairs)),coherence_array((j-1)*size(freqs,2)+i,pairs),scat_type(2,:))
0120 %                end;
0121                 if j == 2
0122                 hold on, plot(real(twod_dist(pairs)),coherence_array((j-1)*size(freqs,2)+i,pairs),scat_type(iline,:))
0123                 diff_pairs = find(abs(coherence_array(size(freqs,2)+i,:) - coherence_array(i,:)) > coh_crit);
0124                 mask = zeros(1,size(coherence_array,2));
0125                 mask(pairs) = ones(1,size(pairs,2));
0126                 mask_diff = zeros(1,size(coherence_array,2));
0127                 mask_diff(diff_pairs) = ones(1,size(diff_pairs,2));
0128                 new_mask = mask_diff.*mask;
0129                 pairs_diff = find(new_mask);
0130                 hold on, plot(real(twod_dist(pairs_diff)),coherence_array((j-1)*size(freqs,2)+i,pairs_diff),scat_type(3,:))
0131                 end
0132 %                p_coh = polyfit(twod_dist(pairs),coherence_array((j-1)*size(freqs,2)+i,pairs),4);
0133 %                coh_fit = real(polyval(p_coh,[0:1:fix(max(twod_dist(pairs)))]));
0134 %                hold on, plot([0:1:max(twod_dist(pairs))],coh_fit,line_type(iline,:)),
0135                 hold on, axis([0 max(twod_dist(pairs))+1 0 1])
0136                 title(['Coherence versus Distance:  @' int2str(freqs(i)) ' Hz ' hnames(g,:)]);
0137                 text([max(twod_dist(pairs))-2.5],[1-0.1*j],[scat_type(iline+1,2) ' ' deblank(setstr(obs_labels(obs(j),:)))])
0138                 xlabel('Interelectrode Distance (cm)')
0139                 ylabel('Coherence')
0140                  iline = iline+ 1;
0141             end
0142         chpair_list = chpairindex_2chpair(pairs_diff);
0143         chpair_coh((g-1)*size(chpair_list,1)+1:g*size(chpair_list,1),:) = [g*ones(size(chpair_list,1),1) freqs(i)*ones(size(chpair_list,1),1) obs(1)*ones(size(chpair_list,1),1) obs(2)*ones(size(chpair_list,1),1) chpair_list twod_dist(pairs_diff)' coherence_array(i,pairs_diff)' coherence_array(i+size(freqs,2),pairs_diff)'];
0145         end
0146     end
0147 else
0148     if isstr(array)
0149         [arrayh,hnames] = arrays(array,bad_chan(obs,find(bad_chan(obs,:))));
0150     else
0151         arrayh = array;
0152     end
0153     for g = 1:size(arrayh,1)
0154         iline = 1;
0155         figure
0156         hold on
0157         for io = 1:size(obs,2)
0158             if ~(ref_flag(obs(io)) == 5|ref_flag(obs(io)) == 7)
0159                 hold on,bar(dist,bcohpotential,'w-');
0160             elseif ref_flag(obs(io)) == 5
0161                 hold on,bar(dist,bcohlaplacian,'w-');
0162             end;
0163         end
0164         for j = 1:size(freqs,2)
0165             pairels = arrayh(g,find(arrayh(g,:)));
0166             npairs = size(pairels,2)*(size(pairels,2)+1)/2;
0167             pairs = zeros(1,npairs);
0168             ipairs = 1;
0169             for ip = 1:size(pairels,2)
0170                 for jp=ip:size(pairels,2)
0171                     pairs(ipairs) = chpair(pairels(ip),pairels(jp));
0172                     ipairs = ipairs + 1;
0173                 end;
0174             end;
0175 %            chpair(pairels(1),pairels(2))
0176             pairnames = hnames(g,:);
0177 %            if j == 1
0178 %            hold on, plot(real(twod_dist(pairs)),coherence_array(j,pairs),scat_type(iline,:))
0179 %            end;
0180             if j == 2
0181             hold on, plot(real(twod_dist(pairs)),coherence_array(j,pairs),scat_type(2,:))
0182             diff_pairs = find(abs(coherence_array(2,:) - coherence_array(1,:)) > coh_crit);
0183             mask = zeros(1,size(coherence_array,2));
0184             mask(pairs) = ones(1,size(pairs,2));
0185             mask_diff = zeros(1,size(coherence_array,2));
0186             mask_diff(diff_pairs) = ones(1,size(diff_pairs,2));
0187             new_mask = mask_diff.*mask;
0188             pairs_diff = find(new_mask);
0189             hold on, plot(real(twod_dist(pairs_diff)),coherence_array(j,pairs_diff),scat_type(3,:))
0190             end
0191 %            p_coh = polyfit(real(twod_dist(pairs)),coherence_array(j,pairs),4);
0192 %            coh_fit = real(polyval(p_coh,[0:1:fix(max(twod_dist(pairs)))]));
0193 %            hold on, plot([0:1:max(twod_dist(pairs))],coh_fit,line_type(iline,:)),
0194             hold on, axis([0 max(twod_dist(pairs))+1 0 1])
0195             title(['Coherence versus Distance: ' deblank(setstr(obs_labels(obs(1),:))) ' ' hnames(g,:)]);
0196             text([max(twod_dist(pairs))-2.5],[1-0.1*j],[scat_type(iline+1,2) ' ' int2str(freqs(j)) ' Hz'])
0197             xlabel('Interelectrode Distance (cm)')
0198             ylabel('Coherence')
0199             iline = iline+ 1;
0200         end
0201         chpair_list = chpairindex_2chpair(pairs_diff);
0202         chpair_coh((g-1)*size(chpair_list,1)+1:g*size(chpair_list,1),:) = [g*ones(size(chpair_list,1),1) obs(1)*ones(size(chpair_list,1),1) freqs(1)*ones(size(chpair_list,1),1) freqs(2)*ones(size(chpair_list,1),1) chpair_list twod_dist(pairs_diff)' coherence_array(1,pairs_diff)' coherence_array(2,pairs_diff)'];
0204     end
0205 end
0206 status = 1;

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