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function [gave_data] =make_gave(nfiles,bad_chan,bad_obs,outfname,infname, params)


function [gave_data] = make_gave(nfiles,bad_chan,bad_obs,outfname,infname, ap)


function [gave_data] =make_gave(nfiles,bad_chan,bad_obs,outfname,infname, params)

version 2.0
Grand-average data in EGIS average files.

This function accepts either 1, 2, 3, or 5 arguments. The first
argument is the number of files to be averaged together. If you specify
1 as nfiles, then it is assumed that there are multiple subjects per
cell. If nfiles is greater than one, it is assumed the files are single
subject average files. In this case the EGIS grand average file 
header is taken from the first input filename specified through either
of the two means availible.

If either outfname or infname are to be passed to this function, then
both must be given, and the function is fully batch processed without
addition user input. The infname matrix must have nfile rows, and each
row must be a string of equal length. If these two arguments are not given
then the function runs interactively, querying for an output filename and
nfiles input files.

The argument bad_chan is a matrix with nfiles rows and no more columns 
than there were channels of acquisition used to exclude globally bad 
channels as determined by previous editing. If nfiles is 1 then rows 
correspond to observations otherwise rows correspond to the file in the
equivalent row of infname.

The argument bad_obs is used only if nfile is 1. In this case bad_obs
is an array specifying observations (i.e. subjects) to be excluded from the
grand average for all cells.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [gave_data] = make_gave(nfiles,bad_chan,bad_obs,outfname,infname, ap)
0002 %function [gave_data] =make_gave(nfiles,bad_chan,bad_obs,outfname,infname, params)
0003 %
0004 %version 2.0
0005 %Grand-average data in EGIS average files.
0006 %
0007 %This function accepts either 1, 2, 3, or 5 arguments. The first
0008 %argument is the number of files to be averaged together. If you specify
0009 %1 as nfiles, then it is assumed that there are multiple subjects per
0010 %cell. If nfiles is greater than one, it is assumed the files are single
0011 %subject average files. In this case the EGIS grand average file
0012 %header is taken from the first input filename specified through either
0013 %of the two means availible.
0014 %
0015 %If either outfname or infname are to be passed to this function, then
0016 %both must be given, and the function is fully batch processed without
0017 %addition user input. The infname matrix must have nfile rows, and each
0018 %row must be a string of equal length. If these two arguments are not given
0019 %then the function runs interactively, querying for an output filename and
0020 %nfiles input files.
0021 %
0022 %The argument bad_chan is a matrix with nfiles rows and no more columns
0023 %than there were channels of acquisition used to exclude globally bad
0024 %channels as determined by previous editing. If nfiles is 1 then rows
0025 %correspond to observations otherwise rows correspond to the file in the
0026 %equivalent row of infname.
0027 %
0028 %The argument bad_obs is used only if nfile is 1. In this case bad_obs
0029 %is an array specifying observations (i.e. subjects) to be excluded from the
0030 %grand average for all cells.
0032 %Modification History
0033 %
0034 %    written 9/17/95 p.m. RS
0035 %    defogged 9/18/95 a.m. RS
0036 %    bad_obs added and error checking expanded 11/27/95 p.m. BCR
0037 %    Code fixed for multi-file case, by BCR, 6/23/96
0038 %    Bad_Obs warning removed, 10/3/96 BCR
0039 %
0040 %  05/31/00 PJ Cleaned up some of the poor matlab coding.
0041 %              Since we are dealing with average data which are relatively
0042 %              small, load all data at once.  Doing this also enables
0043 %              conversion to z-scores (see below).
0044 %
0045 %              Added option to convert average data into z-scores prior to
0046 %              averaging.  Added params variable to input.  This is a structure
0047 %              that is intended to contain future parameters.  In this case it
0048 %              has a field called compute_z.
0049 %
0050 %  06/05/00 PJ Added detrending option
0052 byte_order = 'ieee-be';
0054 gave_data = [];
0056 %Check number of input arguments
0057 %if ~((nargin == 2)|(nargin == 3)|(nargin == 1)|(nargin == 5))
0058 %  error('Number of input arguments must be either 1, 2, 3, or 5.');
0059 %end
0061 %Check for correct use of Bad_Obs
0062 %if (nfiles > 1) & (bad_obs ~= [])
0063 %    disp('Warning: bad_obs argument is ignored when nfiles is greater than zero.');
0064 %end
0066 %Check input argument dimensions
0067 %if (nargin == 5)
0068 %    if ((size(infname,1) ~= nfiles) | (size(outfname,1) ~= nfiles))
0069 %        error('Indicated number of files not equal to number of rows in one or more input arguments.');
0070 %    end
0071 %end
0072 %Code fixed for multi-file case, by BCR, 6/23/96
0074 if nargin < 6
0075   ap = struct('compute_z',0,'detrend',0');
0076 else
0077   if ~isfield(ap,'compute_z'), ap.compute_z = 0, end
0078   if ~isfield(ap,'detrend'), ap.detrend = 0, end
0079 end
0081 if (nargin >= 5)
0082   if (size(infname,1) ~= nfiles)
0083     error('Indicated number of files not equal to input parameter nfiles.');
0084   end
0085   if (size(outfname,1) ~= 1)
0086     error('Outfname parameter must be a single row vector.');
0087   end
0088 end
0090 %Initialize fids
0091 destfid = -1;
0092 %First try batch mode
0093 if nargin >= 5
0094   for i = 1:size(infname,1)
0095     srcfid(i) = fopen(infname(i,:), 'r', byte_order);
0096     if srcfid(i) == -1
0097       error(sprintf('Could not open input file %s', infname(i,:)));
0098     end
0099   end;
0100   destfid = fopen(outfname, 'wb', byte_order);
0101   if destfid == -1
0102     temp =fclose(srcfid);
0103     error(['Could not open output file ' outfname '.']);
0104   end
0105   %Otherwise run interactive mode
0106 elseif nargin <= 3
0107   if nargin < 2, bad_chan = zeros(nfiles,1);, end
0108   if nargin < 3, bad_obs = [];, end
0109   for i=1:nfiles
0110     [srcfid(i), infname(i,:)]=get_fid('r','*.ave*', 'Open Average File:');
0111   end
0112   while destfid == -1
0113     [destfid, outfname]=put_fid('wb','new.gave_bf','Save Grand Average File As:');
0114   end
0115 end
0117 nfiles = size(srcfid,2);
0119 %
0120 % Call EGIS hdr index script
0121 %
0122 ave_hdr_offsets_v;
0123 [fhdr,chdr,ename,czeros,cgains,cnames,fcom,ftext, coff]=rd_egis_hdr_v(srcfid(1));
0125 %
0126 % Copy source header to destination file
0127 %
0129 if nfiles == 1
0130   ave_chdr = chdr;
0131   for c=1:fhdr(NCells)
0132     ave_chdr(c,NObs) = 1;
0133   end;
0134 else
0135   ave_chdr = chdr;
0136 end;
0137 wt_ave_hdr_v(destfid,fhdr,ave_chdr,ename,cnames,fcom,ftext);
0139 %
0140 %  Determine the size of the input data array
0141 %
0143 nchan = fhdr(NChan);
0144 npts = chdr(1,NPoints);
0145 ncells = fhdr(NCells);
0147 nsub = 0;
0149 for ifile = 1:nfiles
0150   [fhdr,chdr,ename,czeros,cgains,cnames,fcom,ftext, ...
0151     coff]=rd_egis_hdr_v(srcfid(ifile));
0152   nsub = nsub + chdr(1,NObs);
0153 end
0155 avgdata = zeros(npts,nchan,ncells,nsub); % Create empty output array
0157 %
0158 % Check to make sure we have bad chan info for each subject
0159 %
0161 if bad_chan & (size(bad_chan,1) ~= nsub)
0162   error(sprintf('Number of rows in bad chan list (%d) does not match number of subjects (%d)', size(bad_chan,1),nsub))
0163 end
0165 %
0166 % Read the data from all files
0167 %
0169 curr_sub = 0;
0171 for ifile=1:nfiles
0172   %
0173   % Read average file header
0174   %
0176   [fhdr,chdr,ename,czeros,cgains,cnames,fcom,ftext, coff]=rd_egis_hdr_v(srcfid(ifile));
0178   disp(sprintf('Loading data from %s', infname(ifile,:)))
0180   %
0181   % Begin looping through cells
0182   %
0184   curr_sub = curr_sub+1;
0186   for c=1:fhdr(NCells)
0188     %
0189     %  Loop through subject averages
0190     %
0192     nobs = chdr(c,NObs);
0193     good_obs = find(~ismember(1:nobs, bad_obs));
0194     ngood = length(good_obs);
0196     for t=1:ngood
0198       if t > 1
0199     curr_sub = curr_sub + 1;
0200       end
0202       %
0203       %  Read in the data from file
0204       %
0206       curr_obs = good_obs(t);
0207       avgdata(:,:,c,curr_sub) = rd_onetr_allch(srcfid(ifile), coff(c), curr_obs, ...
0208       fhdr(NChan), chdr(c, NPoints));
0210       if ap.detrend
0211     disp(sprintf('  Detrending subject %d, cell %d ...', curr_sub, c))
0212     avgdata(:,:,c,curr_sub) = detrend(avgdata(:,:,c,curr_sub));
0213       end
0215     end     %for t=1:chdr(c,NObs)
0216   end     %for c=1:fhdr(NCells)
0217 end    %for ifile =1:nfiles
0219 disp(sprintf('Loaded data for %d subjects', nsub))
0221 %
0222 % Construct bad channel masks
0223 %
0225 mask = ones(npts,nchan,ncells,nsub);
0227 for isub = 1:nsub
0229   % Add all channels with all zeros for any given cell and subject to mask
0230   for icell = 1:ncells
0231     mask(:,:,icell,isub) = repmat(any(avgdata(:,:,icell,isub)),npts,1);
0232 %    disp(sprintf('Subject %d, cell %d badchans:', isub,icell))
0233 %    disp(sprintf('%d ', find(~any(avgdata(:,:,icell,isub)))))
0234   end
0236   % Take into account bad channels passed as a parameter
0237   badidx = bad_chan(isub,find(bad_chan(isub,:)));
0238   mask(:,badidx,:,isub) = 0;
0240 end  % for isub=
0242 %
0243 %  Compute z-score on a subject by subject basis if desired
0244 %  Base the z-score on all good data from that subject
0245 %
0247 if ap.compute_z
0248   disp('Computing z-scores ...')
0249   for isub = 1:nsub
0250     disp(sprintf('  Subject %d', isub))
0251     tmpdata = avgdata(:,:,:,isub);
0252     tmpgood = find(mask(:,:,:,isub));
0253     mu = mean(tmpdata(tmpgood))
0254     sigma = std(tmpdata(tmpgood))
0255     tmpdata(tmpgood) = (tmpdata(tmpgood)-mu)/sigma;
0256     avgdata(:,:,:,isub) = tmpdata;
0257   end
0259   % Multiply by scaling factor
0260   avgdata= avgdata * 500;
0262 end % if ap.compute_z
0264 %
0265 %  Compute the average
0266 %
0268 disp('Computing average')
0269 gave_data = sum(avgdata,4) ./ sum(mask,4);
0271 %
0272 % Write data to .gave file
0273 %
0275 precision = 'integer*2';
0276 disp(sprintf('Writing data to %s', outfname)) 
0277 for c = 1:fhdr(NCells)
0278   fwrite(destfid, gave_data(:,:,c)', precision);
0279 end;
0281 disp('Finished running make_gave.');
0282 fclose('all');

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