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Research Articles


  • Kubit, B. M., & Janata, P. (in press). Spontaneous mental replay of music improves memory for musical sequence knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
  • Fink, L. K., Alexander, P. C., & Janata, P. The Groove Enhancement Machine (GEM): A Multi-Person Adaptive Metronome to Manipulate Sensorimotor Synchronization and Subjective Enjoyment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16 (2022).


  • Kubit, B. M., & Janata, P. (2021). Spontaneous mental replay of music improves memory for incidentally associated event knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication.


  • Beier, E. J., Janata, P., Hulbert, J. C., & Ferreira, F. (2020). Do You Chill When I Chill? A Cross-Cultural Study of Strong Emotional Responses to Music. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.


  • Fink, L. K., Hurley, B. K., Geng, J. J., & Janata, P. (2018). A linear oscillator model predicts dynamic temporal attention and pupillary entrainment to rhythmic patterns. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 11(2). doi:10.16910/jemr.11.2.12
  • Janata, P., Peterson, J., Ngan, C., Keum, B., Whiteside, H., & Ran, S. (2018). Psychological and musical factors underlying engagement with unfamiliar music. Music Perception.
  • Kubit, B., & Janata, P. (2018). Listening for memories: attentional focus dissociates functional brain networks engaged by memory-evoking music. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. doi:
  • Hurley, B. K., Fink, L. K., & Janata, P. (2018). Mapping the dynamic allocation of temporal attention in musical patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. doi:


  • Barrett, F. S., Preller, K. H., Herdener, M., Janata, P., & Vollenweider, F. X. (2017). Serotonin 2A Receptor Signaling Underlies LSD-induced Alteration of the Neural Response to Dynamic Changes in Music. Cerebral Cortex, 1-12. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhx257


  • Barrett, F.S., Janata, P. (2016) Neural responses to nostalgia-evoking music modeled by elements of dynamic musical structure and individual differences in affective traits. Neuropsychologia, 91, 234-246.
  • Stupacher, J., Hove, M.J., & Janata, P. (2016). Audio features underlying perceived groove and sensorimotor synchronization in music. Music Perception 33(5):571-589.


  • Lee, Y. S., Janata, P, Frost, C., Martinez, Z., & Granger, R. (2015). Melody recognition revisited: influence of melodic gestalt on the encoding of relational pitch information. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(1), 163-169.


  • Hurley, B.K., Martens, P. A., & Janata, P. (2014). Spontaneous sensorimotor coupling with multipart music. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(4), 1679-1696.
  • Collins, T., Tillmann, B., Barrett, F. S., Delbé, C., & Janata, P. (2014). A combined model of sensory and cognitive representations underlying tonal expectations in music: From audio signals to behavior. Psychological Review, 121(1), 33-65. doi: 10.1037/a0034695
  • Fairhurst, M. T., Janata, P., & Keller, P. E. (2014). Leading the follower: An fMRI investigation of dynamic cooperativity and leader-follower strategies in synchronization with an adaptive virtual partner. Neuroimage, 84, 688-697. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.09.027


  • Barrett, F. S., Robins, R. W., & Janata, P. (2013). A Brief Form of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales. Psychological Assessment, 25(3), 826-843. doi: 10.1037/a0032576 Pre-Print Manuscript
  • Fairhurst, M. T., Janata, P., & Keller, P. E. (2013). Being and Feeling in Sync with an Adaptive Virtual Partner: Brain Mechanisms Underlying Dynamic Cooperativity. Cerebral Cortex, 23(11), 2592-2600. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs243 Online ahead of print
  • Janata, P., & Edwards, W. H. (2013). A novel sonification strategy for auditory display of heart rate and oxygen saturation changes in clinical settings. Human Factors. 55(2), 356-372.
  • Golubock, J. L., & Janata, P. (2013). Keeping timbre in mind: Working memory for complex sounds that can't be verbalized. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(2), 399-412. Online First Publication, September 10, 2012. doi: 10.1037/a0029720








2004 and before

Book chapters & conference proceedings

  • Janata, P. (2015). Neural basis of music perception. In G. Celesia & G. Hickok (Eds.), Human Auditory System (Vol. 129): Elsevier.
  • Janata, P. (2014) The cognitive neuroscience of music. In: Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Janata, P., & Parsons, L. (2013). Neural mechanisms of music, singing and dancing. In M. A. Arbib (Ed.), Language, Music, and the Brain: A Mysterious Relationship (Vol. 10). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Janata, P. (2009). Music and the Self. In R. Haas & V. Brandes (Eds.), Music That Works (pp. 131–141). Wien: Springer.
  • Janata, P. (2007). Navigating tonal space. In E. Selfridge-Field (Ed.), Tonal Theory for the Digital Age (Computing in Musicology: Vol. 15, pp. 39–50).
  • Janata, P. (2005). Brain networks that track musical structure. In The Neurosciences and Music II: From Perception to Performance (Vol. 1060): New York Academy of Sciences.
  • Janata, P. & Childs, E. (2004). MarketBuzz: sonification of real-time financial data. Proceedings of ICAD 04-Tenth Meeting of the International Conference on Auditory Display.
  • Tillmann, B., Janata, P., & Bharucha, J. J. (2003). Activation of the inferior frontal cortex in musical priming. In Neurosciences and Music (Vol. 999, pp. 209-211).
  • Janata, P. (2001c). Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying auditory image formation in music. In R. I. Godøy & H. Jørgensen (Eds.), Elements of Musical Imagery . Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers.
  • Potje-Kamloth, K.; Janata, P.; Josowicz, M. (1989)  Carbon fiber microelectrodes.  Proceedings of ElectroFinnAnalysis Conference.  Plenum Press.

Book reviews and commentaries


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