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loadtxt() - load ascii text file into numeric or cell arrays


function array = loadtxt( filename, varargin );


 loadtxt() - load ascii text file into numeric or cell arrays

   >> array = loadtxt( filename, 'key', 'val' ...);

    filename - name of the input file

 Optional inputs
   'skipline' - number of lines to skip {default:0}. If this number is
                negative the program will only skip non-empty lines 
                (can be usefull for files transmitted from one platform
                to an other, as CR may be inserted at every lines).
   'convert'  - 'on' standard text conversion, see note 1
                'off' no conversion, considers text only
                'force' force conversion, NaN are returned 
                for non-numeric inputs {default:'on'}
   'delim'    - ascii character for delimiters. {default:[9 32]
                i.e space and tab}. It is also possible to enter 
                strings, Ex: [9 ' ' ','].
   'blankcell' - ['on'|'off'] extract blank cells {default:'on'}
   'verbose'  - ['on'|'off'] {default:'on'}
   'nlines'   - [integer] number of lines to read {default: all file}

    array - cell array. If the option 'force' is given, the function
            retrun a numeric array.

 Notes: 1) Since it uses cell arrays, the function can handle text input.
        The function reads each token and then try to convert it to a 
        number. If the conversion is unsucessfull, the string itself
        is included in the array.
        2) The function adds empty entries for rows that contains
        fewer columns than others.

 Author: Arnaud Delorme, CNL / Salk Institute, 29 March 2002


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % loadtxt() - load ascii text file into numeric or cell arrays
0002 %
0003 % Usage:
0004 %   >> array = loadtxt( filename, 'key', 'val' ...);
0005 %
0006 % Inputs:
0007 %    filename - name of the input file
0008 %
0009 % Optional inputs
0010 %   'skipline' - number of lines to skip {default:0}. If this number is
0011 %                negative the program will only skip non-empty lines
0012 %                (can be usefull for files transmitted from one platform
0013 %                to an other, as CR may be inserted at every lines).
0014 %   'convert'  - 'on' standard text conversion, see note 1
0015 %                'off' no conversion, considers text only
0016 %                'force' force conversion, NaN are returned
0017 %                for non-numeric inputs {default:'on'}
0018 %   'delim'    - ascii character for delimiters. {default:[9 32]
0019 %                i.e space and tab}. It is also possible to enter
0020 %                strings, Ex: [9 ' ' ','].
0021 %   'blankcell' - ['on'|'off'] extract blank cells {default:'on'}
0022 %   'verbose'  - ['on'|'off'] {default:'on'}
0023 %   'nlines'   - [integer] number of lines to read {default: all file}
0024 %
0025 % Outputs:
0026 %    array - cell array. If the option 'force' is given, the function
0027 %            retrun a numeric array.
0028 %
0029 % Notes: 1) Since it uses cell arrays, the function can handle text input.
0030 %        The function reads each token and then try to convert it to a
0031 %        number. If the conversion is unsucessfull, the string itself
0032 %        is included in the array.
0033 %        2) The function adds empty entries for rows that contains
0034 %        fewer columns than others.
0035 %
0036 % Author: Arnaud Delorme, CNL / Salk Institute, 29 March 2002
0038 % Copyright (C) Arnaud Delorme, CNL / Salk Institute, 29 March 2002
0039 %
0040 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0041 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0042 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0043 % (at your option) any later version.
0044 %
0045 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0046 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0048 % GNU General Public License for more details.
0049 %
0050 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0051 % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
0052 % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
0054 function array = loadtxt( filename, varargin );
0056 if nargin < 1
0057     help loadtxt;
0058     return;
0059 end;    
0060 if ~isempty(varargin)
0061    try, g = struct(varargin{:});
0062    catch, disp('Wrong syntax in function arguments'); return; end;
0063 else
0064     g = [];
0065 end;
0067 g = finputcheck( varargin, { 'convert'   'string'   { 'on';'off';'force' }   'on';
0068                              'skipline'  'integer'  [0 Inf]          0;
0069                              'verbose'   'string'   { 'on';'off' }   'on';
0070                              'uniformdelim' 'string'   { 'on';'off' }   'off';                             
0071                              'blankcell' 'string'   { 'on';'off' }   'on';
0072                              'delim'     { 'integer';'string' } []               [9 32];
0073                              'nlines'    'integer'  []               Inf });
0074 if isstr(g), error(g); end;
0075 if strcmpi(g.blankcell, 'off'), g.uniformdelim = 'on'; end;
0076 g.convert = lower(g.convert);
0077 g.verbose = lower(g.verbose);
0078 g.delim = char(g.delim);
0080 % open the file
0081 % -------------
0082 if exist(filename) ~=2, error( ['file ' filename ' not found'] ); end;  
0083 fid=fopen(filename,'r','ieee-le');
0084 if fid<0, error( ['file ' filename ' found but error while opening file'] ); end;  
0086 index = 0;
0087 while index < abs(g.skipline)
0088     tmpline = fgetl(fid); 
0089     if g.skipline > 0 | ~isempty(tmpline)
0090         index = index + 1;
0091     end;    
0092 end; % skip lines ---------
0094 inputline = fgetl(fid);
0095 linenb = 1;
0096 if strcmp(g.verbose, 'on'), fprintf('Reading file (lines): '); end;
0097 while isempty(inputline) | inputline~=-1
0098      colnb = 1;
0099      if ~isempty(inputline)
0100          tabFirstpos = 1;
0102          % convert all delimiter to the first one
0103          if strcmpi(g.uniformdelim, 'on')
0104              for index = 2:length(g.delim)
0105                  inputline(find(inputline == g.delim(index))) = g.delim(1);
0106              end;
0107          end;
0109          while ~isempty(deblank(inputline))
0110              if strcmpi(g.blankcell,'off'), inputline = strtrim(inputline); end;
0111              if tabFirstpos && length(inputline) > 1 && all(inputline(1) ~= g.delim), tabFirstpos = 0; end;
0112              [tmp inputline tabFirstpos] = mystrtok(inputline, g.delim, tabFirstpos);
0113              switch g.convert
0114                 case 'off', array{linenb, colnb} = tmp;
0115                 case 'on',  
0116                      tmp2 = str2double(tmp);
0117                      if isnan( tmp2 )  , array{linenb, colnb} = tmp;
0118                      else                array{linenb, colnb} = tmp2;
0119                      end;
0120                 case 'force', array{linenb, colnb} = str2double(tmp);
0121              end;
0122              colnb = colnb+1;
0123          end;
0124          linenb = linenb +1;
0125      end;
0126      inputline = fgetl(fid);
0127      if linenb > g.nlines
0128          inputline = -1;
0129      end;
0130      if ~mod(linenb,10) & strcmp(g.verbose, 'on'), fprintf('%d ', linenb); end;
0131 end;        
0132 if strcmp(g.verbose, 'on'),  fprintf('%d\n', linenb-1); end;
0133 if strcmp(g.convert, 'force'), array = [ array{:} ]; end;
0134 fclose(fid); 
0136 % problem strtok do not consider tabulation
0137 % -----------------------------------------
0138 function [str, strout, tabFirstpos] = mystrtok(strin, delim, tabFirstpos);
0139     % remove extra spaces at the beginning
0140     while any(strin(1) == delim) && strin(1) ~= 9 && strin(1) ~= ','
0141          strin = strin(2:end);
0142     end;
0143     % for tab and coma, consider empty cells
0144     if length(strin) > 1 && any(strin(1) == delim)
0145         if tabFirstpos || any(strin(2) == delim)
0146             str = '';
0147             strout = strin(2:end);
0148             if strin(2) ~= 9 && strin(2) ~= ','
0149                 tabFirstpos = 0;
0150                 strout = strtrim(strout);
0151             end;
0152         else
0153             [str, strout] = strtok(strin, delim);
0154         end;
0155     else
0156         [str, strout] = strtok(strin, delim);
0157     end;

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