QA | |
batch_shuffle_check | batch_shuffle_check(dataroot, sinfo) |
check_pulse_periods | [r] = check_pulse_periods(pulse_times,params) |
clean_exp_files | clean_exp_mfiles.m |
convert_format | convert_format(sinfo, inpath, outpath, scan_offset); |
convert_format_v2 | convert_format(sinfo, inpath, outpath, scan_offset); |
create_contrast_struct | [consess] = create_contrast_struct() |
create_spm99_contrast_struct | [contrasts] = create_contrast_struct() |
del_15mat | hide_files(fi) |
display_template | batch for slice_overlay.m |
fmri_clust_filt | [Z,XYZ,C] = clust_filt(Y,k); |
get_GE_timestamps | run_id_vect = get_GE_timestamps(inDir); |
get_spm_flist | flist = get_spm_flist(srcdir); |
get_spm_version | Checks to see which version of SPM5 we are dealing with. This is a bit |
hide_files | hide_files(fi) |
load_dir | [V] = load_dir(dir_name, filtstr, dims) |
norm_dir | norm_dir(dirname,instub,outstub); |
norm_intensity | [nV] = norm_intensity(V); |
parse_brodmann | parse_brodmann.m |
parse_event_wav | |
plot_desmtx_spectra | data_st = plot_desmtx_spectra(DesMtx,params) |
plot_img_series | plot_img_series(imgInfo, params) |
plot_intensity | plot_intensity.m |
post_process_corrmat | plots & returns the design matrix intercorrelation for an SPM analysis |
post_process_corrmat_fsl | plots design matrix and regressor covariance structure for FSL analyses |
psyscope_data_stats | |
rd_psyscope_data | data = rd_psyscope_data(fname); |
reset_xCon | [xCon] = reset_xCon(stats_dir); |
reslice_axial | |
shuffle_check | data = shuffle_check(epi_dir, file_stub, nslice); |
simple_replace | simple_replace(epi_dir,epi_stub,bad_vol,good_vols); |
slice_overlay_contour | Function to display + manage slice display |
spike_check | status = spike_check(sinfo, inpath, outpath, scan_offset, nvox, spkcrit); |
spike_report | spike_report(info, outdata_root); |
timecourse | timecourse.m |
todd_z | todd_z.m |
write_dir | write_dir(V,dirname,fstub); |