Home > database > ensemble_find_analysis_struct.m



Returns indices of structs within a cell array that match certain criteria.


function an_st_idxs = ensemble_find_analysis_struct(an_st_array, search_crit)


 Returns indices of structs within a cell array that match certain criteria.

 an_st_idx = ensemble_find_analysis_struct(an_st_array, search_crit);

 Retrieves the indices of analysis structures within a cell array of analysis
 structures that match certain criteria, such as analyis type or values in
 fields of structures contained in the meta field associated with the

 This function is very useful for post-processing analyses that have been returned
 by some of the generic lower-level analysis functions such as

 search_crit is a structure in which the field names should refer to fields in
 the data structure (an_st_array), e.g. type, vars, data.  The value(s) of the
 criterion field in the search crit struct are the values of the criterion
 variable to match.  

 Example, if you are looking for an analysis structure that has subject_id as
 one of the variables, the criterion field would be 'vars' and its value would
 be 'subject_id'


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function an_st_idxs = ensemble_find_analysis_struct(an_st_array, search_crit)
0002 % Returns indices of structs within a cell array that match certain criteria.
0003 %
0004 % an_st_idx = ensemble_find_analysis_struct(an_st_array, search_crit);
0005 %
0006 % Retrieves the indices of analysis structures within a cell array of analysis
0007 % structures that match certain criteria, such as analyis type or values in
0008 % fields of structures contained in the meta field associated with the
0009 % analysis.
0010 %
0011 % This function is very useful for post-processing analyses that have been returned
0012 % by some of the generic lower-level analysis functions such as
0013 % ensemble_enum_hist.
0014 %
0015 % search_crit is a structure in which the field names should refer to fields in
0016 % the data structure (an_st_array), e.g. type, vars, data.  The value(s) of the
0017 % criterion field in the search crit struct are the values of the criterion
0018 % variable to match.
0019 %
0020 % Example, if you are looking for an analysis structure that has subject_id as
0021 % one of the variables, the criterion field would be 'vars' and its value would
0022 % be 'subject_id'
0024 % 01/31/07 Petr Janata
0025 % 05/23/10 PJ - Fixed handling of an array of input structures
0027 an_st_idxs = []; % Initialize the output variable to empty
0029 if isstruct(an_st_array)
0030   an_st_array = {an_st_array};
0031 end
0033 na = length(an_st_array); % number of analyses in the list
0035 % Set up a global mask for keeping track of which analysis structures survive
0036 % all of the criteria
0037 global_mask = true(1,na);
0039 % Get a list of criterion fields that we are going to search on
0040 crit_fld_list = fieldnames(search_crit);
0041 ncrit_fld = length(crit_fld_list);
0043 % Loop over top-level criterion fields
0044 for ifld = 1:ncrit_fld
0045   crit_fld = crit_fld_list{ifld};
0047   % Get a list of the analysis structures that contain this criterion field
0048   crit_fld_mask = cellfun(@isfield,an_st_array, repmat({crit_fld},1,na));
0050   % Make sure that at least some analysis structure had this mask
0051   if ~any(crit_fld_mask)
0052     fprintf('None of the analysis structures had the criterion field: %s\n', crit_fld);
0053     an_st_idxs = [];
0054     return
0055   end
0057   % Check to see if the criterion field is itself a structure or if it contains
0058   % a criterion value
0059   crit_val = search_crit.(crit_fld);
0060   crit_val_is_struct = isstruct(crit_val);
0062   % Either way, we want to extract the corresponding values from the analysis structure
0063   if isstr(crit_val) || crit_val_is_struct
0064     analysis_vals = cell(1,na);
0065   else
0066     analysis_vals = zeros(1,na)*NaN;  % 05/01/07 - this might be a bug to size
0067                                       % it to na ?
0068   end
0069   if isstr(crit_val) || crit_val_is_struct
0070     analysis_vals(crit_fld_mask) = ...
0071       cellfun(@getfield,an_st_array(crit_fld_mask), ...
0072       repmat({crit_fld},1,sum(crit_fld_mask)), 'UniformOutput',false);
0073   else
0074     analysis_vals(crit_fld_mask) = ...
0075       cellfun(@getfield,an_st_array(crit_fld_mask), ...
0076       repmat({crit_fld},1,sum(crit_fld_mask)));
0077   end
0079   if isstr(crit_val)
0080     analysis_vals(~crit_fld_mask) = repmat({''},1,sum(~crit_fld_mask));
0081   end
0083   % If the criterion value is not a structure, then match the analysis values
0084   % against the criterion values to get our mask.
0085   % 05/23/10 PJ - fixed handling of analysis_vals when it is an array of
0086   % cells. However, this may have broken situation when analysis_vals is
0087   % not a cell. Line 66 above: analysis_vals = zeros(1,na)*NaN; is suspect.
0088   curr_mask = false(1,na);
0089   if ~crit_val_is_struct
0090     for ia = 1:na
0091       if isstr(crit_val) && iscell(analysis_vals{ia})
0092         curr_mask(ia) = any(ismember(analysis_vals{ia}, crit_val));
0093       elseif isstr(crit_val) && isstr(analysis_vals{ia})
0094         curr_mask(ia) = strcmp(crit_val,analysis_vals{ia});
0095       else
0096         curr_mask(ia) = analysis_vals(ia) == crit_val;
0097       end
0098     end
0099   else
0100     % Otherwise, recursively call this function
0101     good_idxs = ensemble_find_analysis_struct(analysis_vals,crit_val);
0102     curr_mask(good_idxs) = true;
0103   end
0105   global_mask = global_mask & curr_mask;
0107   % Terminate the search if there are no more analyses to check out
0108   if ~any(global_mask)
0109     an_st_idxs = [];
0110     return
0111   end
0112 end % for ifld = 1:ncrit_fld
0114 an_st_idxs = find(global_mask);
0116 return

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