add_errorbars | |
add_fighdr | ha = add_fighdr(pp); |
add_linestar | |
add_tags | |
addramp | [wvf] = addramp(x,npts,type); |
build_snd | function [waveform, T] = build_snd(freqs, amplitudes, phases, Fs, npts) |
cell2str | [s] = cell2str(cs,delim); |
cellhist | [strs,cnt] = cellhist(vals); |
cent2pct | cent2pct.m |
check_dir | Checks for existence of outdir, and creates it if necessary |
check_stim_dirs | Creates a directory structure for jlmt_proc_series calculations |
check_unique_rows | Checks whether all rows in the input matrix, mtx, are unique, and returns |
compare_cells | this function compares the structure and contents of multi-dimensional and nested cells |
compare_structs | |
confirm_overwrite_file | |
convert_charfld2cellstrfld | Converts character array fields of a structure to cell arrays of strings |
convert_structarray | |
convertunicode | Hack conversions of unicode characters |
data2bitmask | data2bitmask - converts a matrix of numeric data values into bitmasks that |
data2cmap | cmap_idx = data2cmap(data,map_size,prop_abs); |
dirrec | |
disperror | DISPERROR Display latest error message and where the error occured. |
execute_unix | [varargout] = execute_unix(unix_str,nout,errmsg,logfid); |
extract_controller | extract_controller.m |
find_turnarounds | [turn_idxs] = find_turnarounds(traj); |
finputcheck | finputcheck() - check Matlab function {'key','value'} input argument pairs |
fisher_r2z | z = fisher_r2z(r); |
flatten_children_structs | |
freezeColors | freezeColors Lock colors of plot, enabling multiple colormaps per figure. (v2.3) |
generic_pres_proc | [data,meta] = generic_pres_proc(fname,params) |
get_vals_from_data_struct | |
init_phys_struct | ps = init_phys_struct() |
linewrap | LINEWRAP Separate a single string into multiple strings |
listFilesOfType | Returns directory listing of all files in diretory specified by fpath of |
loadtxt | loadtxt() - load ascii text file into numeric or cell arrays |
logspace2 | LOGSPACE Logarithmically spaced vector. |
make_mask_mtx | [mask_mtx, unique_vals] = make_mask_mtx(data_vect); |
midi2f0 | F0 = midi2f0(midi_notes) |
mkstruct | Returns a structure using the provided fieldnames and values |
mp3read | [Y,FS,NBITS,OPTS] = mp3read(FILE,N,MONO,DOWNSAMP) Read MP3 audio file |
note_labels | function [note_name] = note_labels(freq); |
prob2str | [str] = prob2str(prob,crit,tok,places,return_ns) |
rand_order_no_repeats | randomizes the order of the input_vector and attempts to not allow any one |
read_itunes_playlist | Reads a playlist text file generated by iTunes and returns an |
read_mid | midinfo = read_mid(fname); |
report_corr_table | Prints a correlation table |
rotateticklabel | ROTATETICKLABEL rotates tick labels |
rotateyticklabel | Rotates tick labels |
scale_fig_axes | scale_fig_axes(fignum,scale_factor) |
scale_wvf | [scaled] = scale_wvf(wvf,dB,nbits,is_wav); |
scatter_w_stats | Generates scatter plot and includes regression lines and statistics |
set_pres_col_const | Figures out which data columns in a Presentation logfile correspond to |
spiral_layout | Generates a spiral layout on a square grid given a list of arbitrary length |
struct2keyval | Converts a structure into a cell array that can be used as a series of |
struct_union | |
toroidal_spect | [amp, theta, phi] = toroidal_spect(data, dims); |
uimage | UIMAGE Display image with uneven axis. |
uimagesc | UIMAGESC Display scaled image with uneven axis. |
unfreezeColors | unfreezeColors Restore colors of a plot to original indexed color. (v2.3) |