Home > utils > struct_union.m




function struct1 = struct_union(struct1,struct2)


 finds any fields in struct2 that are not in struct1 and copies them to struct1 

 The values of the fields that both structs have in common will not be overwritten
 in struct1. The fields missing from struct1 will be populated
 with the values in struct2. This function is useful for
 populating a parameter structure with default values which may be
 missing from the specified parameters.

 Copyright (c) 2008-2012 The Regents of the University of California
 All Rights Reserved.

 10/9/2008 - Stefan Tomic, first version.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function struct1 = struct_union(struct1,struct2)
0002 %
0003 % finds any fields in struct2 that are not in struct1 and copies them to struct1
0004 %
0005 % The values of the fields that both structs have in common will not be overwritten
0006 % in struct1. The fields missing from struct1 will be populated
0007 % with the values in struct2. This function is useful for
0008 % populating a parameter structure with default values which may be
0009 % missing from the specified parameters.
0010 %
0011 % Copyright (c) 2008-2012 The Regents of the University of California
0012 % All Rights Reserved.
0013 %
0014 % Authors:
0015 % 10/9/2008 - Stefan Tomic, first version.
0016 %
0019 fnamesStruct1 = fieldnames(struct1);
0020 fnamesStruct2 = fieldnames(struct2);
0022 nFields = length(fnamesStruct2);
0023 for iField = 1:nFields
0024   thisField = fnamesStruct2{iField};
0025   if(~isfield(struct1,thisField))
0026     struct1.(thisField) = struct2.(thisField);
0027   elseif(strcmp(class(struct1.(thisField)),'struct') && ...
0028      strcmp(class(struct2.(thisField)),'struct'))
0029     %if corresponding fields in both structs are themselves structs
0030     %(substructs), then we'll perform a struct_union on them. If
0031     %one of them is not a struct (this should be unlikely), then
0032     %we'll bypass this altogether
0033     struct1.(thisField) = struct_union(struct1.(thisField),struct2.(thisField));  
0034   end
0035 end

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