Supporting research in the Janata lab

The best way to support the lab is by participating in the Human Music Memory Map Project!

The research in our lab is funded by various sources, both public and private. With private funding we are able to move forward with truly groundbreaking projects. One example is our project on "Music, Spirituality, Religion and the Human Brain" which has contributed substantially to our understanding of the link between music, memories, and emotions.

One of our primary objectives for the research on music, memories, and emotions is to establish a compelling neuroscientific basis for music-based quality-of-life improvement programs for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, while further delving into the mystery of how music is intertwined with our lives. Our goals are exciting and ambitious, yet simple at the same time. Most importantly, they are expedited significantly through your financial support.

If you would like more information about how your financial support will facilitate our research into the relationship of music and the human mind and brain, particularly as it pertains to memory, emotions, and Alzheimer's disease, please contact the laboratory's director, Dr. Petr Janata (, or visit our page on Benefunder. Financial contributions are considered tax-deductible under applicable laws.

All gifts are welcome, but as an exciting incentive for those making substantial donations, we are offering the option of receiving personalized "musical neurobiographies" – a glimpse of what goes on in your brain as you listen to music, relive memories, and experience emotions such as nostalgia.

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